An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ

When an infant is baptized in the Congregational tradition the parents and godparents make a promise to support the child so that they may one day proclaim the Christian faith as their own. We accomplish this through Confirmation Classes.
When students are in or near 8th or 9th grade they are invited to spend a year of intentional learning about God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, about the history of the church universal and about their own local congregation. After exploring their faith, confirmation students are then invited to consider taking membership within the church - in other words, to proclaim the faith as their own.
Confirmation at FCC is led by Rev. Holly MillerShank, supported by CE Director April Mullins. FCC utilizes the Affirming Faith curriculum of the United Church of Christ.
Please contact April Mullins, cedirector@fccsm.org for information regarding the next confirmation class.