An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ

Security and Safety
Every time a group of people gather, there are church safety concerns, including: medical issues, psychological problems, accidents, child safety concerns, and relational conflict. It’s important that churches have measures in place to handle security issues.
In order to ensure everyone's well-being and safety, First Congregational Church of Shrewsbury has focused on two areas of concerns:
Building security and safety: Led by our Security Committee, in liaison with the local police and fire departments, review our facility on an ongoing basis. Emergency evacuation plans are posted. An AED machine is also available in case of an emergency. Security cameras are in place and live-streamed in the office. The building entrance is monitored using key cards, intercom and cameras.
Click here for our Building Use Guidelines
Click here to view our evacuation maps
Click here to report an incident (fall, etc.)
At-risk individual safety: Our church has implemented a "Safe Church Policy". What is meant by the term “safe church policy”? Essentially, it is an intentional plan designed to prevent and deal with acts of abuse and bullying of persons at risk (children, elderly, disabled...). The Christian Education team is leading this ministry and all staff and volunteers are trained and CORI-checked.
Click here for our Safe Church Policy
Click here to report an incident