An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ

What To Expect
What do people wear?
Life is busy and we understand that you may have somewhere to go after church. Wear what works for you. We want you to feel comfortable worshiping with us, whether that means dressing up, business attire, upscale casual, casual, jeans, sporty, etc. All are welcome here and we invite you to come as you are!
What options are available for kids and youth?
Lots! We offer a staffed nursery for children under 3 which is open before the church service begins. All other children start worship with their parents in the sanctuary, and following a short Children’s Message will be dismissed to participate in the Kid Zone or Middle School group programs while adults enjoy the church service.
What happens at Sunday worship?
Worship is the core experience of the gathered church family. In worship we remember who we are, where we have come from, to whom we are related, and what God wants us to be. To worship is to find comfort and courage, to deepen commitment, and to give thanks. It is a time of praise and prayer and a time to hear the Word of God from scripture and preaching.
Our services typically last just over an hour and include music, scripture readings, a sermon, time for prayer, and a passed offering. The first Sunday of each month includes Communion. We practice and open table where everyone is welcome to participate in communion.
What if I need special assistance for my visit?
If you have questions about special needs for yourself or a family member, please don’t hesitate to email or call the church office (508-845-7286) for assistance. Our building is fully handicapped accessible and we would be happy to assist you in any way that we can.
Where may I find more information about the church?
We have a welcome and visitor center located in our fellowship hall, known as Gifford Hall. There you will find printed information about our church and our denomination, The United Church of Christ. Friendly volunteers are on hand to answer questions, add your name to our mailing list, register your child for the Kid Zone (formerly Sunday School) or guide you on a tour of the building.
How can I get to know people at the church?
There are a number of ways to get to know our welcoming community. First, each Sunday after the service there is a time for coffee/lemonade and conversation, which is a great way to meet others and ask questions. In addition to this weekly Fellowship time, there are numerous other fellowship and service engagement opportunities, including Care Team, Mustard Seed, Hands for Hope, Leah Circle, Martha Circle, Golf League, Soup Sunday, Appetizer Sunday, numerous Social Circles-sponsored events throughout the year, and many ministries and committees to choose from if you want to volunteer with other people on an ongoing basis.
What other ways can I get involved at the church?
First Congregational Church of Shrewsbury offers a lot of opportunities for you to take part in! If you enjoy music, you can join one of our choirs or attend an Arts on the Green concert. If you are looking for opportunities for community service, check out our volunteer opportunities and sign up for an event! For more ways to get involved, check out our calendar and see what we’re up to.