An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ
Vocal Choirs
Senior Choir:
The Senior Choir sings every Sunday in worship from September through early June, as well as during special services throughout the year. This group of adult volunteers presents a great variety of music, ranging from the simple to the more challenging. Each year we strike a balance of new music and older, more familiar pieces. Previous experience singing in a choir is helpful but not a requirement.
Rehearsal: Thursday evenings 7:15-8:45 pm
Youth Singers:
Girls and boys 5th grade through High School make up the Youth Singers. These youth gain confidence and poise, learn to read music, support the younger singers, and have the opportunity to sing a broad repertoire of sacred music. No experience required. The group sings at the 9:30 am Sunday service at varying times from September through early June.
Rehearsal: Sunday mornings 11:00-11:45 am
Training Choir:
The Training Choir consists of boys and girls grades 2 through 4. No previous singing or musical experience is necessary. Throughout the year, the group is introduced to a variety of music styles and periods and will learn skills such as choral habits, basic music reading, and singing in parts. The group sings at the 9:30 am Sunday service at varying times from September through early June.
Rehearsal: Sunday mornings 11:00-11:45 am
Occasional Choir:
As its name suggests, Occasional Choir provides an opportunity for adults, youth, and children grades 1 and up, to come together and prepare a piece of music without the commitment to a regular choir schedule. Those who are interested will gather after Sunday services a few weeks in advance of the chosen singing date to rehearse. No choral experience is required.